Web site accessibility

The Vassall Centre web site offers a number helpful feature to improve the accessibility of the web site:

High Contrast

We currently provide a number of different contrast options, that can be selected to change the colours of background and foreground text on the site, the current options are as follows

Access Keys

Access keys are an easy way to navigate using the keyboard, Most browsers support access key functionality. To use access keys follow the following guidelines:

  • For Windows users, you can press "ALT" plus the listed access key
  • For Macintosh users, you can press "Control" plus the listed access key
  • Pressing the combination of keys will take you to the page.

We have included the standard recommended access keys, which include:

  • H = Home
  • M = Meeting Rooms
  • F = Conference Rooms
  • N = News
  • E = Events
  • H = History
  • A = Accessibility
  • T = Tenants
  • C = Contact Us

Tab indexing

Tab indexing is designed to make tabbing through the site easier but also to provide users with access to the Web site by using the keyboard only. The tab order of information within the framework interface is as follows:

  • Header (contact links and text size buttons)
  • Main navigation
  • Central content

Changing text size

Within the top of the interface there is a tool which enables you can change the text size within the page.

Your help

If you feel there is something not working for you on the site, or that there is something we have missed, plesae do get in touch